For the greater good, my will be done!


Strike first? So what!

Heres a win! Shocking I know.
Played against the High Elf player from my campaign, used the campaign rules, but not actually for the campaign.
Kept the Heiro, since decided to drop him. Played the little war special mission, I rolled assassination(actually pick, but you get the idea)
Went with a bone giant list. First time with out chariots, also dropped carrion. Got first turn, charged ahead, mostly down the right side. His force was spread with a good amount of range, including the bolt thrower. Got the charge with my giant on turn 2, over ran into his mage. Killed her. The rest was just clean up. Kinda turned out the opposite of my last game, with me doing the damage. In the end it was a chase for his only remaining unit, a group of calvary. Never caught, they made it to my deployment(his objective), but didn't have the unit strength to qualify as 1/3 his army.
Very fun game, though I feel bad for the trouncing. His was a heavy core army, not sure that these will hold in the campaign, have to watch and see. His bolt thrower did take my heiro, crumbling my lt horse, and bits of the rest, but not enough.


Gyrocopter for the win!

So I started up my campaign. All in all pretty good. But I was attacked first round by the dwarves. Of course I fell in to my same old problem.
You may know that when I face Space Wolves I tend to hang on the dreadnaught, well I made the same mistake against the dwarves.
No, not their dread, the copter. My opponent has a tendency to chase my heiro around with his gyro's steam cannon, until he gets him and I crumble. The campaign is 850pt war band campaign, but he squeezed it in. I spent the first half spinning my ushabti trying to get in line with the copter. Of course it never happened. in the end he got my heiro, my army crumbled, with the exception of my Ushabti.
In the end the Ushabti actually made a fair showing, bringing the hurt and being the only unit not to crumble. To little to late.
By the time I realised what I was doing, it was to late.
Future battles will see me bring a prince instead, then at least the crumble will have an armor save.
Actually thinking back, I'm going to have to say my big honest mouth lost this one. Even barring my ushabti never making combat, I could have won this one on turn 2. My chariots charged, won, out numbered, broke the unit behind, caused utter devastation, then I said "You can hold on fear on double 1s." Rolled double 1s. My chariots got bogged down, then destroyed, as usual. They just can't catch a break. They have been removed from my warband list *shrug*